
Showing posts from July, 2019

Blog Tour: Fight or Flight by Dana Bachar Grossman

Fight Or Flight? by  Dana Bachar Grossman Name of the book:  Fight or Flight?  Introduced by: Dana Bachar Grossman Genre: Self Help Release Date: May 26, 2019 Blurb  Flying with or around kids can be either easy going or a flight from hell. There are some things you can do to have a flight in your favor! Twelve years of parenting and flying around the globe with my four boys are humbly presented to you to help you make the best of your flying experience, whether you fly with your own children or find yourself surrounded by someone else’s kids on board. Have you ever stood in line for boarding carrying your crying child in your arms, feeling the other passengers wishing you would both miraculously disappear? Perhaps you have felt sorry for yourself during a flight? Maybe you have landed looking like you just came out of a washing machine after flying with your kids, as one of them had diarrhea t...