Energetic Selling and Marketing by Lenka Lutonska

Energetic Selling & Marketing
by Lenka Lutonska

Name of the book:  Energetic Selling & Marketing
Introduced by: Lenka Lutonska
Genre: Self Help
Release Date: 22nd March 2019


Q. 1 What was your inspiration for writing this book?
My own journey of building a successful business, losing it abruptly and having difficulties rebuilding it again.  I found that traditional marketing and selling methods didn’t work by themselves as I was missing the confidence that every successful entrepreneur should have.  Once I started to tap into my spiritual nature and apply spiritual principles into my business, it started to bloom and grow rapidly.  I have taught hundreds of women these principles, often with extraordinary results – some women doubling, tripling, even quadrupling their sales revenues within months, sometimes even weeks.  I write about these priniciples and how to apply them in the book. 

Q.2 What is the biggest challenge a seller faces nowadays?
"I’d love to work with you but I can’t afford you" is one of the most common challenges women face when selling.  In Energetic Selling and Marketing, I describe how words alone are often not enough to break this pattern or overcome this challenge successfully and how by adopting a new attitude about what selling means can dramatically transform the outcome of sales conversations.

Q.3 Can you share an instance where you turned a challenge into an opportunity?
After I had lost my first business and was trying to get my second business to work, I went to get some cash out at the ATM to buy dinner for my family, only to find that I had just £7.30 left in my bank account.  I was hugely embarrassed by this.  I was an apparently successful businesswoman yet, I couldn’t afford to put dinner on the table for my family.  That day, I ran home and called everyone I could think of for the whole day and made £1800. From that day on, I started to sell daily and stopped avoiding this important activity rather than shying away from it.  

Q.4 What is your advice to new marketers?
Develop and learn to trust your intuition - it is your most powerful coach on the planet - and get the support you deserve from mentors to any other kind of support you need in your business and life.

Q. 5 What are you working on next?
Before I dive into writing another book, I am working on getting Energetic Selling and Marketing into the hands of as many people as possible because it has the ability to completely transform their businesses and their lives.

Lenka Lutonska is an internationally renowned Business and Mindset Strategist for female entrepreneurs, Speaker & Master NLP trainer. She came to the UK from her native Slovakia aged just 19, where she found work in McDonald's. After having worked her way up to become an award-winning manager, and studying counseling, NLP, psychotherapy, and hypnotherapy, she set up her own training and coaching consultancy. Despite its significant growth, it was all lost overnight, when she was betrayed by her business partner.

Faced with starting all over again, but this time with a young family to support, she knew she had to take a different, more courageous and heart-centered approach. The result is her very successful coaching consultancy, whose success far outstrips anything else she had achieved prior to developing her principles of energetic selling. 

She now uses her strategic business experience, her NLP training, and her intuition and spirituality to take clients - women entrepreneurs from over 30 countries around the globe - to multiple 6- and 7-figure revenues that not only transform their businesses but change their lives.

Meet the Author



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